Welcome to

Laitse Castle


The story of Laitse castle

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a king with three princes. One day, when the princes had grown up, the king sent them to the wide world to seek wisdom. And so the princes went, each on his own way. The eldest learned the art of war in the land of the dragons, the middle son became an apprentice to the witch of Lapland, and the youngest kept traveling over the hills and fields, not finding rest anywhere. He went to Nuustaku and Reval, on the way back he fell asleep next to a twisted elm tree. He awoke at night, saw the magnificent canopy of stars, and decided: here is where I'll stay, this is the best place for dreaming.

And so the prince had a castle built for him in that very spot. And not just a castle, but a knight’s castle, like the ones in the wide world. The place was named Laitse and everyone was welcome there. Travelers, merchants, artisans and dandies from the city. There was food and drink for everyone, and beds to let the weary ones rest.

Time passed, and the land was ravaged by great floods, conflagrations and wars. Rulers changed, and the prince had long since been laid to rest. The stones of Laitse Castle started to crumble, its beams started to rot.

Then one day, a court jester with his faithful wife happened to pass by. Two lover looking for a place to dream. From the very first sight they fell in love with the castle, and decided to stay there.

Under the stewardship of the new proprietors, Marju and Sulo Muldia, the apperance of the castle began to slowly restore itself. And once again the castle welcomes all travelers, merchants, lovers, and other good folk.

What to do

The exuding romance and allure of Laitse castle make a unique and royal experience for our visitors. This fairy tale old castle offers a variety of activities for familes, for those in love, for gourmands, for colleagues or for thrill seekers.

Murder Mystery

Experience what it's like to be thrown to a completely different era and intrigues at an engaging murder mystery dinner at Laitse castle. 
This is an engaging game that takes you to a world that you seldom encounter in your everyday life.

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Thousand Tuft Hill

Mazes and labyrinths are one of the most universal forms of experiential structures. Man made labyrinths have been known for thousands of years.
The vast majority of European hedge mazes are solved in less than half an hour.
In the park, the first, dome shaped maze has been completed, called the Thousand Tuft Hill, due to it consisting of over a thousand trees.

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